​Meaux Elementary February Calendar

Meaux Elementary February Calendar

Link @  https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2619/MES/2724567/Feb._2023__Public_.pdf

January 30-February 3rd, 2023

•February 1 JRFH Virtual Kickoff

•February 3 PBIS $1.00 Jean/Any Bottom Day, 100th Day School, Wide Event

February 6th-10, 2023

•February 6 Jr. Beta Convention

•February 7 Jr. Beta Convention, Too Cute Tuesday $2.00

•February 8 Progress Reports Go Home, Gumbo T-Shirt Deadline

•February 9 AR Deadline

•February 10 PBIS $1.00 Jean/Any Bottom Day, Car Raffle Deadline, PBIS Valentine Tattoo Sales -2 Pat Cash

February 13th-17, 2023

•February 13 Distance Day Learning K-3 Only, Pre-K, 4th, & 5th Free Dress (-February 13, 2023 Virtual Learning Day Grades K-3 *K-3 Students DO NOT attend school on this day. NOTE: PreK, 4th, and 5th graders DO attend school this day.)

•February 14 PBIS Hugs & Kisses, 4-H Meeting

•February 16 AR Holiday Party Event for students meeting their AR goal

•February 17 PBIS $1.00 Jean/Any Bottom Day

February 20th-24, 2023

•February 20-24 Mardi Gras Break 

 •February  27 Students Return To School